One Simple Way To Help Support Charities

Like many of you, my family has been hit with a number of health issues over the years. I have no medical knowledge or expertise and sometimes feel helpless in that there is nothing I can do.

However, by simply purchasing a gift from my Charity Collection, all profits from each sale will be donated to charity on a monthly basis.

Together, we CAN make a difference!

Where will my charity donation go?

There are so many worthy charities operating across the UK and worldwide that it is very hard to choose where to send funds. The choices I have made are based on mine and my family and friends’ experiences.

Click HERE to go to my Charity Collection.

More products will be added over the coming weeks and months so check back regularly for updates.

Cancer Research UK


This is the biggie on everyone’s lips I’m sure.

It’s unlikely that anyone reading this has not been touched by Cancer in one way or another.

Just before Christmas 2020, we had the devastating news that my Father-in-Law had developed cancer and he is the main inspiration behind getting this collection of charity makes underway. 



Sepsis (also know as blood poisoning) is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection or injury – if not treated immediately, it can result in organ failure and death yet with early diagnosis, it can be treated with antibiotics.

Eighteen months ago, I came very close to losing my Mum to this infection but the quick action of a health visitor’s home visit to treat her leg injury diagnosed the reason for her deterioration and saved her life with prompt hospital treatment. 

Pick’s Disease / Alzheimers


Pick’s disease is a rare type of age-related dementia that affects the frontal lobes of the brain and causes speech problems like aphasia, behaviour difficulties and eventually death.

I lost my beloved uncle to this disease in 2017 although we felt we ‘lost’ him many years before. The deterioration in his mental and physical well being over time was very hard to cope with and any research that can further the halt of this cruel disease is vital.

 Mental Health - MIND


Lockdown has been a severe test of mental strength and even the strongest of people have felt tested over the last year, me included. I hope you have coped and if not, please talk to someone and don’t feel alone.

Local MIND services support people across the country with services including talking therapies, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, employment and training schemes, counselling and befriending.



Autism is a spectrum condition and affects people in many different ways, including to social interaction challenges, repetitive and restrictive behaviour, highly focussed interests, extreme anxiety, over or under sensitivity to light, sound, touch and taste and meltdowns or shutdowns. 

The Captain Tom Foundation


Captain Tom united the nation and gave hope when it was needed most. 

Carrying on his journey, and as a result of the unprecedented support he and his family have received, The Foundation has been set up to continue to inspire people and ensure Tom’s message of hope becomes an enduring legacy. 

The Royal British Legion 


The RBL supports serving and ex-serving personnel of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families all year round every day of the week.

We must never forget the sacrifice so many have made to give us the freedom of life we have today. 

Eden Gate


Eden Gate exists in Newport for those who find themselves sinking, either because they have no home or because they are trapped by drugs or alcohol (or sometimes both). Nobody should sink when there are hands willing to help.

Christmas Bag Appeal

Operating through my local Children's Services, donations go to providing hampers containing special little extras of cakes, sweets, small gifts and decorations to families in need at this festive time of year. We may take these items for granted but not everyone can afford these luxuries at Christmas. 

Royal National Lifeboat Association


Operated by volunteer lifeboat crew, the RNLI provides a 24-hour rescue service in the UK and Ireland with seasonal lifeguards looking after people on busy beaches. The Flood Rescue Team helps those affected by flooding.

Coming from a coastal area with friends and family who love the sea, I have seen first hand the vital work this charity undertakes.

Four Paws


Four Paws is the global animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human influence which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them.

Newport Wetlands (RSPB)


Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve lies between the Severn Estuary and the River Usk on the South Wales Coast. It is owned and managed by Natural Resources Wales working in partnership with RSPB Cymru, Newport City Council and others for the benefit of wildlife and people.


Thank you for your support

For further updates on Charity donations plus other news, offers and discounts at Jared Designs, please sign up for my newsletter.

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  • Great idea to do this, some special charities in there Jane. Good Luck x

  • Good luck with your new venture. Lots of good charities needing our help in these hard times.x

  • Great credit to you Jane for highlighting all these worthy charities and raising money for them in such a positive way. Thank you X

    Amanda Phelps Barnett
  • Some fab charities to support! X

  • Visiting via your insta page


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